"Hack" of the source code of Pokemon Showdown available free online to implement an artificial intelligence based on neural networks and learning of his fights in the game.
Pokemon Showdown is a Pokemon games battle simulator. [Sources] (https://github.com/Zarel/Pokemon-Showdown-Client) are available on Github. This Simulator has the advantage of being used by many users of varied levels. I diverted this tool to "inject" an artificial intelligence able to launch and carry out a Pokemon Battle. Its purpose is to experiment with tactics in the face of real players to improve, using a neural network.
The customer Web client allows me to easily have a visual feedback on the actions of the AI and its progress.
The sources of the AI are available on my Github at https://github.com/Eresia/Pokemon-Showdown-AI and the sources of the modified Web client (fork of original client) at https://github.com/Eresia/Pokemon-Showdown-Client